Build confidence. Get the job.

Explore careers and prepare for the job with hundreds of free job simulations designed by the world's top employers.

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Explore our free job simulations

Forage is the bridge between education and career success

Our job simulations build real-life skills for real-life roles, offering a window into the company and a preview of their day-to-day. Job sims are 100% free, open access and self-paced.

  1. Register for Forage and tell us a little about yourself.
  2. Enroll in a job sim and complete tasks that replicate real work.
  3. Compare your work with model answers and earn a certificate.
  4. Access curated resources and a chance to connect with recruiters.
  1. 3.3x more likely

    to land a job after participating in a job simulation

  2. Over 300 job simulations and 125+ employers

    across diverse industries and careers

  3. 5M+ students

    have signed up to Forage

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Student smiling

Employers who are going beyond the resume

Too good to be true? Hear from real students.

We want to build a world where candidates are considered equally on their merits.

We're here to ensure that your skills, grit, and drive are recognized and rewarded.

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